The Departmental Assembly, based on the relevance of the research topics in the submitted applications, appoints a Three-Member Committee composed of faculty members from the Department, categorized according to the type of applications. The Committee reviews the applications to ensure compliance with the prerequisites outlined in Article 3 of these Regulations and evaluates the doctoral dissertation proposal along with the other supporting documents submitted by the candidates. At the Committee’s discretion, candidates may be invited to a personal interview, which will also be considered in their evaluation.

Subsequently, the Committee submits a recommendation to the Departmental Assembly, accompanied by a detailed report. Additionally, it proposes a supervisor, even if the supervisor has been suggested by the candidate. In any case, the final decision rests with the Departmental Assembly.

The Departmental Assembly, taking into account the Committee’s report, approves or justifies the rejection of the candidate’s application. In the approval decision, the language in which the doctoral dissertation will be written is also specified. In cases where the doctoral dissertation is conducted in collaboration with institutions abroad, the language of writing must be English or another foreign language, in accordance with Article 91 of Law 4957/2022. Furthermore, the Assembly may set additional requirements for the candidate, such as successful completion of specific courses or other obligations relevant to scientific research, as a condition for pursuing the Doctoral Dissertation.